Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why you little - !

So I have an internet friend that I've been talking to for well over a year now, and we are finally planning to meet next month. Well the other internet guy that I know and have met once has twice now, planned to come here to visit and both times has been thwarted. That wasn't the problem. The problem was, both times he didn't bother to tell me right away so I'm sitting there on the day of wondering if he's on his way or not. So hence this dream:

I was working on the first floor of a large bank building. My office was right across from all the tellers and even though it was the end of the day, there was a line stretching all the way into my area. I was trying to pack up everything because I was going to meet up with, first guy mentioned, who had started working that day in the same building but we still had not met yet. But it seemed like I had so much to pack that it wouldn't end and all the people in line kept talking to me and distracting me. Well he finally calls and says that he in fact had never left and was not there at all. So I started yelling at him about how he should have called earlier when he knew he wouldn't make it and all that.

Then I was walking through another building up these steps to a large, flat floor and my friend was there coming at me. I was afraid because he had wanted to date me when he got home from his church mission, but I didn't feel good about it and backed out. But he kept hugging me and he was really sweaty and warm and I wanted to get away.

Yes, wierd I know. Especially the sweaty part, yeesh. Grooooooooss! lol! I am still friends with the missionary though he now lives in another state. And the internet guy promised me this morning that he would in fact make it, and then I made him promise that if something did come up to keep him from coming, he was to tell me right away. Oy..... Hopefully we wont have that problem.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, we did have that problem. He didn't come at all and he eventually got around to telling me. :P Stupid boys...
