Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm expanding a little and branching out from my pleaseI'mbeggingyoutofindmeagoodman blog. I was talking to myself one day and said:



"I have really weird dreams, don't I?"

"Well yes, it's downright creepy sometimes what you dream about. Especially last night. What did you eat before you went to bed?"

"Nevermind that. I thought maybe I should start a dream blog and leave them up to interpretation."

"Isn't that asking for trouble?"

"That, or no one will read it. HA!"

"You're right, that could happen. Ok, well it's your funeral."

So here I am starting a dream blog for you to enjoy, or ignore, whichever you prefer. If you have a translation by all means, I think it would be cool to hear it. Just don't leave mean comments, calling me a loony. I already know that, sheesh!

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