Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Wedding of the Century

So sometime this morning I started dreaming of a giant wedding where I kept switching between innocent bystander, to up on the platform as an innocent bystander (not part of the wedding party) and towards the end of the "wedding" I was actually the bride for a short bit. But I was watching the wedding procession and there were tons of bridesmaids and flower girls that just kept coming. But they were practically running up the aisle. I kept yelling at them to slow down, but they wouldn't listen.

The groom came bolting up the aisle too and his groomsmen did some wicked cool flips and dance moves up the aisle. It was a riot, I tell ya. Well, the bride finally comes out and makes her way up the aisle in a normal fashion, but they didn't play the wedding march, just some sort of classical song. I had gone back to say something to my family and then went back up to the front row where my seat was to find some random ladies sitting there. I asked them to move over since there was space, and they did, as minimally as possible, so I was squeezed against the lady and the edge of the bench. But yeah, the part where I was the bride was after the wedding and I sang a song with my husband, but then I realized that he wasn't a singer, so like the dream sequence in Oklahoma, some people came as our stunt doubles and sang it for us.

See that how you will, but it was kind of fun and annoying at the same time.

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