Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm Gonna Beat you into Next Week!

So last night I had a handful of dreams. But the one I remember the most is this one:

I was in this strange house that had a mini beach in it which is where I kind of began. I was there with a few other girls and one guy who was supposed to choose between us all. Well, they were all out among the waves and I eased my way into the water and noticed one girl in particular he was standing with, but he wasn't into her because I think she was already married or something weird like that. So to her dismay he comes over to me and chose me, putting his arms around me while we sat in the waves.

So after that he decides we'll all go on a trip, the other girls just coming as friends which they were all ok with except the one girl that had wanted him to choose her. So we were all packing up and most everyone was outside except me. I finish packing and come out of my room which more resembled a cubicle, but this probably came from reading Dilbert comics that night before bed. Anyway, I come out and she's there and starts laying into me for stealing her man away or whatever, and she starts to try and beat me up while I'm holding my luggage. I dropped it all and would fight back and try to open my cell phone at the same time. I managed to get it open and tried to call him, but I forgot that his phone had been packed up in his bags and he couldn't hear it.

So I manage to make my way to a room while fighting her, and shut myself in, pushing against the door while she tries to bust in. And then suddenly it stops and I was afraid she was trying to lure me out. But then the door opens and one of the girls is there with the guy and I fall into his arms and hold onto him. He reminded me about his phone, but he had felt like he should come back and check to see what was taking so long. I don't know what happened to the girl, though that was the end of the dream anyway. Kind of a fun little adventure, though a little scary and weird. ;) I have no interpretations for it, but if anyone else has their two cents, I wouldn't mind hearing it.

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