Friday, April 9, 2010

The Birds

Yeah, last night seemed a little reminiscent of that movie. Kind of freaked me out, but I was home and this bird flew into my hair and was attacking me. So I tried to pull it off, but it was really stuck and wouldn't stop flapping which made it hard. My dad came and helped me and we managed to get it off, but I had to hold it to keep it from trying to attack me again while he got the key to the back yard so we could put it outside.

The bird kept biting my fingers (no not pecking, biting.) and I kept bopping it on the head with my fingers like I was teaching a dog not to bite. But it just kept attacking my fingers while I wondered what was taking dad so long. I found out he had gone out into the garage to find the key and so I just went out there to release the bird since the door was open. My fingers had little holes all over them instead of slices which I expected, but I showed them to my dad all horrified, angry at him for taking so long.

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