Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The past three nights my dreams have been so vivid and memorable I figured I should write them down. It's not often I get so many that many nights in a row.

Night one: I was the pilot of an vessel that looked like an airplane but could fly in space. I kept trying to get it up into space but was having a hard time and then finally I shot straight up and made it out.

Night two: I was in line at the movies trying to get in and Snoop Dogg was right in front of me in line. We then hooked up and started cuddling as we tried to get into the movie. I somehow managed to get in but he did not and so I went to sit down and wait for him. A movie trailer came on and it was this horrifying scene of a white mouse dressed like a doctor in a lab cutting tails off of other white mice. After he would cut off the tail he would then slice it lengthwise until it was mutilated and the mouse was still lying there, squeeking in agony even though the tail was detached. I listened to that horrible squeeking until I woke up.

Night three: (I wonder if this one was a product of the over garlicked pizza I had the night before. :P Bleh...) I was in a harem type of group of girls though we were all dressed normally. They were all gathering in this older man's room for him to choose one of us and I came running in and jumped on the bed causing all sorts of feathers to go flying. He saw this and decided to choose me because I was so young at heart or whatever. Then he decided that he wanted only me and was telling me his plans to marry me and get rid of the other girls. But this other man that worked for him and was younger was falling for me and wanted to get me out of there and I was torn between the two. Never did find out the end on that one. :(

Monday, June 27, 2011


This actually was a dream I had yesterday morning, not today, but I was too lazy to write it in until now.

I was living in an apartment above a stable and I was just starting a job to take care of the horses. So I was reading all the instructions for each horse as I fed them and I came to one stall that had a beautiful white horse in it. I fed her and was moving on when I heard noises coming from her stall. I went back and realized there was also a black horse in with her and they were viciously fighting. The black one was named Black Jack and he bit her on the neck and she started to bleed.

I sat there wondering who would put them together in the first place and tried to get in there to pull the black horse out. It was really hard as if I couldn't move but somehow I got it out and moved it to another stall and treated the wound on the white horse.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I know, I know, two days in a row!

The first part of the dream I remember I was in one of those mobile homes, not the RV's but the ones you see in those "neighborhoods" full of little boxes on stilts. Anyway, there was some family there and they felt threatened by something so they were trying to scare whoever it was off and it was like I was invisibly in the middle of all this. But the dad came out of the toilet looking gross and kind of dead and they did other stuff like that.

But then my dream changed and I was in this grand house with my parents and my sister with her family. We were watching tv but I went back to the laundry room to do something and I was wearing clothes, but a bathrobe over it for some reason. I get in there and see three men standing in the room so I gave this pathetic scream and start yelling at them to get out. My sister's husband is suddenly in the room and he sort of bows to them and drops this yellow key chain looking thing and then pushes me out the door telling me to run.

I started running down the hallway as he sprays me and my family with a fire extinguisher, soaking us all. I realized that what he dropped was a bomb and that he was going to blow up the men and the house with it. So we all ran out into the backyard and it had two huge, oddly shaped pools with large rocks and different levels. My dad jumped across the pool to the edge of a rock but it was too far for me so I scrambled around the other pool trying to get up another way. I remembered seeing pools similar to this in other dreams and thinking that I remembered that there wasn't access to the upper pool from the lower one, but when I got around there was. So finally we were all together in the hot tub on the upper pool, covered in white foam and knee deep in the water.

We looked over and the three men were in the other wing of the house and we watched my brother-in-law stalk across the yard and go into that wing of the house behind them with two huge guns (one which kind of looked more like a super soaker) and I of course snapped awake right before anything else happened. *sigh*

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Recently my friend moved with her hubby into an apartment so this is kind of where that dream stems from. In the dream I went to visit her and it was an old house instead. I kept ranting and raving about how gorgeous it was but never went past the front room because she wouldn't show me around. We chatted for a bit but then she told me that she believed my scorpion story that kept me from helping her move, but not the other story. (In real life there isn't another story so not sure where that came from.) A man I don't know that was there helping unpack comes up to me and says that there's a room in the house where Purgatory is and I got all excited and asked him to show me.

We walked upstairs but the entrance was small and had a flap partially over it that I had to squeeze through. To me it looked like a rather normal room but with stuff stored in it like an attic. There was one painting with two women in it, one deathly pale and the other not but both looked demonic. They started moving in the picture and pulled out weapons and walked towards something else in the painting. It was two other women hunting them down trying to save the world from them.

Then in the room there were many people and they all lined up in different lines and I was at the head of one with my co-worker (that I'm not overly fond of) behind me. A director came out and everyone at the head of the line had a solo part to sing, but I had never been given mine so I didn't know the words. The girl next to me sang it beautifully and perfect. When it came to me, I just started humming the tune and making up sounds until my co-worker sang the rest of the words for me and I repeated them.

Monday, March 28, 2011


This dream started somewhere else besides where I remember, but I can't remember. Heh. Anyway, I was at my Aunt's house up in Utah and I was talking to her while following her around the house. She kept swearing until I finally asked her why since that was not like her at all. She turned and gave me some kind of explanation I can't remember either and then left kind of upset. So I decided to start packing things up but then I looked out the window and couldn't see very clearly but there was glowing lights off in the distance.

I went outside to get a better look and was in my own backyard, but still her house at the same time. I could see a huge mountain with lava oozing out towards us. I ran back in to warn everyone and they all started packing things up to leave, but no one was rushed at all. I kept packing things up and going out to look at it to see what was happening.