Thursday, April 29, 2010

Turn on the sirens, we've got a hot one!

So I have a few past dreams I wrote in a dream log but then I kept forgetting to update it. But a lot of them I wrote like a story so here's one that is kind of long but a little fun.

January 17th, 2006

Laura stood behind the building where she worked, leaning against the cinder-block wall with one leg lazily perched on a metal step stool. Someone had put it out there at one time for something, but for what she had no idea. But it was there just the same. Her police car was parked in front of her waiting for the next call to whisk her away to. It was getting on to evening and the sky was getting grayer by the minute as she stood there, taking in her surroundings. Just a back street edged with a low brick wall and a large dumpster in need of being emptied. She could almost smell it from where she was and she let her nose cringe up in distaste. That was when she noticed them to her right. Three young men all looking very much alike to be discerned as brothers to a stranger were followed by an older man she assumed to be their father. They were approaching with a look on their faces that could only mean trouble.

Curling her toe around the top of the small ladder she tried to look relaxed as they came closer, their eyes gleaming in the fading light. She did not like this at all, and never wavered her gaze from them, ready to move if need be. It was needed indeed as they suddenly came at her, the father holding back and watching. With a flick of her shoe, she launched the ladder at the first, catching it as it rebounded off him and swinging it at the next. Soon her hands and body were moving but she did not know what she was doing, only that she was winning for the moment. Then suddenly the ladder was gone and one man was upon her, pinning her arms and dragging her away from the building. She screamed and hoped that someone through the open door of the station would hear her, but no one came. He clapped a hand over her mouth and hauled her to another building not far away.

It was a Mormon church building, one that she went to every Sunday and she could see that there were people there. Two girls were sitting outside it and she recognized them as Heather and Jenn, her good friends. They watched with horror as she was dragged inside and followed, trying to pry her loose but only getting torn away by the other two men. They were all taken inside of a classroom where Laura was pushed against the wall and the other two girls were set on the floor with weapons pointed at them. The four men began to confer with each other quietly on what to do and Laura looked at Heather and Jen wishing she could free them somehow. She then noticed that Heather was mouthing something to her and gesturing with her eyes towards the door. She was telling her to run and Laura shook her head with tears in her eyes at the thought of leaving them behind to the evil men. Heather gestured again and the look in her eyes was strong enough to finally urge her to spring for the door and run.

She heard a shout as one of the men noticed and two of them ran out to catch up to her. She searched the hallways as she ran, looking for a way out without them following and came to a line of doors leading upstairs. She turned as they caught up and slammed her fist into the face of one and kicked the other in the stomach before bursting through one of the doors and climbing up to a door that led to the roof. Climbing out, she could just barely catch the sunlight as it was nearly gone. But it was enough to see that the roof was rotting and old enough to break with one wrong step. Hoping to reach the tree at the end of the building she traversed on and tried to hurry to it before they figured out where she was going. As the shadows crept in she missed sight of a rotten spot and screamed as it gave way beneath her. A wooden shingle splintered, a piece of it lodging itself into her right thigh as she fell through, landing in the arms of one of the men that had been waiting for her. He leered down at her with victory and examined her leg to see how hurt she was.

After a once over he carried her to a waiting van, proclaiming that they were bringing her friends with them to keep her behaving to their liking. She briefly saw them inside as she was lain down on the back bench of the van. They drove to a hospital where the man that had caught her took her inside while the others waited. Everyone rushed around her and put them in a room where a doctor would come to see her. Her captor made up a story to them and once they were alone warned her to be quiet and act like she loved him. She looked at him in disgust but clamped her mouth shut as the doctor walked in and looked at her leg. She turned her upper body and held onto the man as if hugging him as the wooden shards were removed one by one, the pain shooting through her body. He stroked her hair comfortingly and kissed the top of her head, making her shudder. The doctor apologized for pulling too hard and did not even notice that she loathed the man that was holding her so tightly.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm Gonna Beat you into Next Week!

So last night I had a handful of dreams. But the one I remember the most is this one:

I was in this strange house that had a mini beach in it which is where I kind of began. I was there with a few other girls and one guy who was supposed to choose between us all. Well, they were all out among the waves and I eased my way into the water and noticed one girl in particular he was standing with, but he wasn't into her because I think she was already married or something weird like that. So to her dismay he comes over to me and chose me, putting his arms around me while we sat in the waves.

So after that he decides we'll all go on a trip, the other girls just coming as friends which they were all ok with except the one girl that had wanted him to choose her. So we were all packing up and most everyone was outside except me. I finish packing and come out of my room which more resembled a cubicle, but this probably came from reading Dilbert comics that night before bed. Anyway, I come out and she's there and starts laying into me for stealing her man away or whatever, and she starts to try and beat me up while I'm holding my luggage. I dropped it all and would fight back and try to open my cell phone at the same time. I managed to get it open and tried to call him, but I forgot that his phone had been packed up in his bags and he couldn't hear it.

So I manage to make my way to a room while fighting her, and shut myself in, pushing against the door while she tries to bust in. And then suddenly it stops and I was afraid she was trying to lure me out. But then the door opens and one of the girls is there with the guy and I fall into his arms and hold onto him. He reminded me about his phone, but he had felt like he should come back and check to see what was taking so long. I don't know what happened to the girl, though that was the end of the dream anyway. Kind of a fun little adventure, though a little scary and weird. ;) I have no interpretations for it, but if anyone else has their two cents, I wouldn't mind hearing it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Queen of the Flowers

So since this is the dream that fed the idea of a dream blog, I figured it was appropriate that it be the first past dream I post. I will do these from time to time to fill gaps when the dreams just seem to run dry for a bit. Not that they are now, but I figured I might as well post one for the time being.

Now don't laugh.

In my dream I was the Queen of the Flowers. I wore a beautiful dress with a full skirt and adorned lightly with flowers. I would travel the world to where Spring was about to start. I would then find a meadow and lie down in it, on my stomach with my hands stretched out in front of me. I would fall asleep, but at the same time I would start to cry. But the tears did not fall down my cheek, they travelled all over my body and down my fingers into the grass. Each tear bloomed into a flower and they would travel and spread.

But everytime I fell asleep, it grew harder and harder to wake up and move again. Then my friend, Kevin Burdick (who if you want to see what he looks like and sample some of his awesome music that he writes himself, check out his site here: ) came from the distance and took my hand, helping me to wake up and rise to my feet.

Possible translation: I sort of equate this to my love life if you will. I think that every bad experience I have garners good things, whether I learn something or it leads to something better (hence the flowers from my tears) but each time it gets harder and harder to get up and try again, to let someone else into my life. Now what Kevin has to do with waking me up, I'm not sure. I really don't know what I feel his role in that is, but I guess we'll just see.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why you little - !

So I have an internet friend that I've been talking to for well over a year now, and we are finally planning to meet next month. Well the other internet guy that I know and have met once has twice now, planned to come here to visit and both times has been thwarted. That wasn't the problem. The problem was, both times he didn't bother to tell me right away so I'm sitting there on the day of wondering if he's on his way or not. So hence this dream:

I was working on the first floor of a large bank building. My office was right across from all the tellers and even though it was the end of the day, there was a line stretching all the way into my area. I was trying to pack up everything because I was going to meet up with, first guy mentioned, who had started working that day in the same building but we still had not met yet. But it seemed like I had so much to pack that it wouldn't end and all the people in line kept talking to me and distracting me. Well he finally calls and says that he in fact had never left and was not there at all. So I started yelling at him about how he should have called earlier when he knew he wouldn't make it and all that.

Then I was walking through another building up these steps to a large, flat floor and my friend was there coming at me. I was afraid because he had wanted to date me when he got home from his church mission, but I didn't feel good about it and backed out. But he kept hugging me and he was really sweaty and warm and I wanted to get away.

Yes, wierd I know. Especially the sweaty part, yeesh. Grooooooooss! lol! I am still friends with the missionary though he now lives in another state. And the internet guy promised me this morning that he would in fact make it, and then I made him promise that if something did come up to keep him from coming, he was to tell me right away. Oy..... Hopefully we wont have that problem.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rated Arrrrrrrrrrgh, for Pirates

That's right, I had a Goonie-esque dream last night, where me and some others were watching a group of mean people try to find some treasure on an old pirate ship. So we went in when they left for the day and couldn't get past the top floor of the ship. But we found some rotten parts and jumped on them until we broke through. Then we went down and went through several levels, each one getting trashier until we had to start crawling through a tunnel that was burrowed in the garbage. From there I think we found some treasure, but it was hard to tell in the dream.

We brought it to my house, but it looked like some of the jewelry I currently have which believe me, isn't the realest. ;) But oh well. It was a very fun dream.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Birds

Yeah, last night seemed a little reminiscent of that movie. Kind of freaked me out, but I was home and this bird flew into my hair and was attacking me. So I tried to pull it off, but it was really stuck and wouldn't stop flapping which made it hard. My dad came and helped me and we managed to get it off, but I had to hold it to keep it from trying to attack me again while he got the key to the back yard so we could put it outside.

The bird kept biting my fingers (no not pecking, biting.) and I kept bopping it on the head with my fingers like I was teaching a dog not to bite. But it just kept attacking my fingers while I wondered what was taking dad so long. I found out he had gone out into the garage to find the key and so I just went out there to release the bird since the door was open. My fingers had little holes all over them instead of slices which I expected, but I showed them to my dad all horrified, angry at him for taking so long.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Wedding of the Century

So sometime this morning I started dreaming of a giant wedding where I kept switching between innocent bystander, to up on the platform as an innocent bystander (not part of the wedding party) and towards the end of the "wedding" I was actually the bride for a short bit. But I was watching the wedding procession and there were tons of bridesmaids and flower girls that just kept coming. But they were practically running up the aisle. I kept yelling at them to slow down, but they wouldn't listen.

The groom came bolting up the aisle too and his groomsmen did some wicked cool flips and dance moves up the aisle. It was a riot, I tell ya. Well, the bride finally comes out and makes her way up the aisle in a normal fashion, but they didn't play the wedding march, just some sort of classical song. I had gone back to say something to my family and then went back up to the front row where my seat was to find some random ladies sitting there. I asked them to move over since there was space, and they did, as minimally as possible, so I was squeezed against the lady and the edge of the bench. But yeah, the part where I was the bride was after the wedding and I sang a song with my husband, but then I realized that he wasn't a singer, so like the dream sequence in Oklahoma, some people came as our stunt doubles and sang it for us.

See that how you will, but it was kind of fun and annoying at the same time.


I'm expanding a little and branching out from my pleaseI'mbeggingyoutofindmeagoodman blog. I was talking to myself one day and said:



"I have really weird dreams, don't I?"

"Well yes, it's downright creepy sometimes what you dream about. Especially last night. What did you eat before you went to bed?"

"Nevermind that. I thought maybe I should start a dream blog and leave them up to interpretation."

"Isn't that asking for trouble?"

"That, or no one will read it. HA!"

"You're right, that could happen. Ok, well it's your funeral."

So here I am starting a dream blog for you to enjoy, or ignore, whichever you prefer. If you have a translation by all means, I think it would be cool to hear it. Just don't leave mean comments, calling me a loony. I already know that, sheesh!