Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Attacked by Ex's

So the first part of the dream that I remember is going to "Dwight"'s (refer to my other blog, he's my recent EX boyfriend) new apartment which oddly in the dream was just around the corner from his old one. I went to go visit him and his new roommate but while I was there, remembered why I was mad at him and they were also doing things to upset me. So I got up to leave and he grabbed my wrist and kept asking me to stay and talk about it. (rich coming from the person who dumped me by proclaiming on facebook that he was single and didn't even talk to me about it.)

The next part I was in a bathroom (I know, surprise!) with a bunch of other girls. I was taking some makeup off when another ex boyfriend pops out of a bathroom stall and grabs my arm to pull me aside. The other girls didn't even notice him there, just went about their business. He starts giving me a hug to comfort me because I'm upset and then he tries to push his face into mine to kiss me. (In real life, this guy is married.) So of course I resisted and kept turning my head away.

Really bizarre, and unfortunately my dad says that we have these kinds of dreams for the rest of our lives. *sigh*

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