Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's Been Awhile

I know, I need to be more motivated. But last night I had a dream that I arrived at a huge old house with so many rooms. It used to be used for housing homeless girls but was now being used for a girl's camp of some sort. There were hundreds of girls coming in when I got there and the person running it took me through on a tour. All the rooms were decrepit and full of dust and filth. There were old fashioned clothes rotting in the middle of one of the rooms and she explained that it was from when it was an orphanage and they had all suddenly left, leaving everything behind to rot.

We went through many rooms and there was one I only got to glance into which looked like a huge, enclosed arena where all the girls were going and a man was talking to them about the camp. Then I was taken to the kitchen which of course was as bad as the rest of the house. She left me there to take care of it and I looked around for awhile and came near a hole in the floor that looked ready to widen more. I could see a laundry room below and then I decided to get back to work. I didn't dream much about the cleaning, I just suddenly turned around and the kitchen was brand new with gorgeous wood flooring and gleaming counters. I knew I had done the work and was so happy to see how beautiful it was.

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