Friday, December 10, 2010

Let Me Take you for a Ride

I was sitting at a round table in kind of a dining area but it was rather dark and I was reading a newspaper. A guy kept coming up to me asking if I wanted to go on a Gondola ride for ten dollars. I kept telling him no because I didn't have any cash. Finally after I watched him take someone else and he told me I could write a check instead, I decided to go.

When we went though I was not in the boat, I was behind it in the water dining on something while he kept looking back at me. Then we were back at the dining hall, but we started floating in the air through the area to another door in the back that led out to a wheat field. I had to wait for three girls to go through the door but they paused to stare at me because I was floating. I waved them on and they finally got out of the way. The field was ragged and bumpy and both of us floated above it, racing around without the boat. I started singing the Aladdin song A Whole New World. He didn't join me at first but then he started singing with gusto and we finally flew up to each other and started holding each other.

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