Thursday, May 6, 2010

Off Broadway

By just a tad anyway... I was in this big musical production as a background character. They had this really sad scene where Christ was killed (so it was almost combined with the Easter Pageant) and I was in the back acting all dramatically mournfull. And then suddenly this guy was behind me mourning with me, and holding me and such. I had no idea who it was because it wasn't scripted at all. But when the scene was over I looked at him and it was a good friend of mine in real life. He said he felt it would make the scene more dynamic if he was paired up with me in it. And then I went backstage and get handed this script and told that I'm the narrator and need to go out and start the next scene. But I hadn't memorized the part and it was several long paragraphs so I kept hoping I'd faint or something would happen where I wouldn't have to go out and do that part.

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